D j E M B E Drumming Workshops
Welcome to the Djembe Drumming Workshops schedule -
Christ Church Community Centre
26 Cricklade Street
Old Town
Time: 7. 30 - 9.00pm
Parking: Yes
Loan Djembe: Yes
Level: Begginer+
Cost: £ 15.00
“A setting where two or more individuals are gathering together with the specific intent of enhancing human contact or for personal transformation through music”
The Origin of the Workshop Techniques and Rhythms is based upon the incredible system and practice of Percussion Technique found in The Djoliba - Guinea Conakary's Drum & Dance African Ballet.
We aim in teaching the essense of 'hand to hand' percussion to gain fluidity, clarity and discipline with a combination of real knowledge through experience of TEMPO, RHYTHM & MELODIE
Where is this from?
Mali West Africa - and was probably the first Mobile telephone!
What are the Benefits?
It has been proven scientifically that the neuro-networks of the brain are altered and
re-aligned through playing and listening to percussion.
Psychologists say; the left – right hand co-ordination required when using the drum for music and rhythm improves the inadequacies of the relationship between left and right brain function.
OK, but, what benefits can I actually feel?
By FREEING or closing the conscious Mind we are able to activate our Heart Mind - from the Solar Plexus and with only a little participation we are able to experience near effortless movement
Promoting relaxation by re-ordering 'hampering' inhibited thoughts through a meditative process
A positive feeling in ourselves and each other by playing rhythms, working with rhythmic concepts and polyrhythmic patterns. This will enable the group to feel the harmony, group dynamics and experience the benefits of musical interaction and exchange with each other.
Let the Drum teach you Meditation
Bringing the mind, body and spirit together with the power of the drum and rhythm and movement and Tempo and Tone and Slap and Bass and Melodie....and then p e a c e....
Using drum rhythms can be compared to working with mantras in meditation.
Therefore, it is good to bring thoughts into the 'present' attention when playing for Therapy
“Learning self expression and hence; providing self evidence of accomplishment”